Ensuring Receivable Authenticity: Best Practices for Bankers

access_time 2024-05-29T17:40:08.952Z face CA N Raja
Ensuring Receivable Authenticity : Best Practices for Bankers Vinu: Hi Manu, I'm working in a bank and one of our customers has a cash credit facility against their receivables. Do you know of any ways to verify the authenticity of their receivable claims, aside from just collecting invoices? Manu: ...

Why profit is not equal to cash ?

access_time 2023-07-21T17:17:52.879Z face CA N Raja
Why Profit is not equal to cash ? A Conversation Between Manu & Vinu Vinu: Hi Manu! I've been diving deep into my business finances lately, and I have a question that's been bugging me. Why is profit not equal to cash? I mean, aren't they both indicators of financial success? Manu: Hey Vinu! I'm gla...